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Speaker Night, Nov 8, with Charlotte Gray

Speaker Night, Nov 8, Charlotte Gray

Passionate Mothers, Powerful Sons: The Lives of Jennie Jerome Churchill and Sara Delano Roosevelt

A captivating dual biography of two famous women whose sons would change the course of the 20th century—by award-winning historian Charlotte Gray. Impeccably researched and filled with intriguing social insights, Passionate Mothers, Powerful Sons breathes new life into Sara and Jennie, offering a fascinating and fulsome portrait of how leaders are not just born but made.

Wednesday, November 8, 8 p.m.

Spring Clean-up the Village, Saturday May 6, 1 – 3 pm

Annual Village Clean-up, Saturday, May 6, 1 – 3 pm 


The Annual Village Spring clean-up needs you! Come one, come all on Saturday afternoon, May 6, to get together with your neighbours while you help clean up our Village. Choose an area to clean, grab garbage bags, leaf bags, gloves (all provided) and see what a difference an hour or two can make!

Refreshments will be provided at 3 pm at the Community Centre (parking lot side). We will sign student volunteer hours forms. Meet behind the Community Hall, 380 Springfield Rd.

Rain Date: Sunday May 7, 1 – 3 pm

Speaker Night March 8 with Thomas d’Aquino

Speaker Night, March 8, with Thomas d’Aquino.

Wednesday, March 8, 8 pm at the Rockcliffe Park Community Hall, 380 Springfield Rd.

Based on his newly published memoir – Private Power ~ Public Purpose: Adventures in Business, Politics, and the Arts – long-time Rockcliffe Park resident Tom d’Aquino will offer personal insights on four decades of private sector leadership at the apex of power with the Business Council of Canada.  He has been hailed as a transforming voice in redefining the role of business and the shaping of responsible capitalism, and as a champion of Canada’s place on the world stage. Beyond business and public policy, he tells tales about his lifelong love affair with arts and culture.

Speaker Night with Andrew Leslie “Russia’s War in the Ukraine – What Next”

Speaker Night, February 1st with Andrew Leslie.

Russia’s War in the Ukraine: What Next?
Wednesday, February 1, 8 p.m.
Based on his personal experience, his expertise, and contacts within the Ukraine military, former general and member of Parliament, Andrew Leslie, will tell us what he believes lies ahead for war-torn Ukraine. While a soldier, Leslie led the 57,000 people in the Canadian Army in fires, floods, earthquakes, security missions, peacekeeping and war in Cyprus, Germany, Croatia, Serbia, Afghanistan and elsewhere. He has received many national and international honours and decorations. .

RPRA Tree Lighting and Carol Sing

RPRA Tree Lighting and Carol Sing

On Wednesday December 14, 6 pm. Please join us behind the Community Hall as the tree lights are lit and the Elmwood Junior School Choir performs, followed by a carol sing, accompanied by the Salvation Army Ottawa Citadel Brass Band. In the spirit of the season, hot chocolate will be served. Join your neighbours after a long hiatus to celebrate at this magical event.


Children’s Holiday Party 2022

Children’s Holiday Party

On Sunday, December 11, 2 – 4 pm, Santa and his elves invite all children to come to the Community Hall, 380 Springfield Rd, for horse-drawn sleigh rides, outdoor activities, holiday traditions from around the world, crafts, holiday treats and lots of fun. Free admission. No registration required. Tax-deductible cheques or donations to Rideau Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre for its food bank are welcomed.

Return of our Speakers Program

RPRA Speakers Program

Andrew Cohen:  Democracy in America

Wednesday, December 7, 8 p.m. 

Andrew Cohen — best-selling author, journalist, professor, and long-term observer of the United States — discusses the state of democracy in “the great republic.”  Reflecting on the congressional elections of 2022 and turning to the presidential election of 2024, he sees an ominous erosion of rights, an ebbing confidence in institutions, and a polarization of opinion descending into civil disorder. Is this how autocracy comes to America?

The RPRA is very pleased to return to engrossing evenings with distinguished speakers in the Community Hall in December!  We expect a good turnout.  Out of respect for all, we strongly urge that everyone wear a mask. 

Confirmation of Designation of Mile Circle and Aviation Museum Area as Lands to be Preserved from Development

Mile Circle and Aviation Museum Area Lands to be Preserved from Development

The following response was received to a request seeking confirmation that Mile Circle and lands to the east of Birch St and lands around the Aviation Museum and the Rockcliffe Park Airport whose designations have been changed to allow for development will be preserved as green space.

Dear Ms. McAllister,

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to the NCC regarding the lands in the Mile Circle and Aviation Museum Area identified in the City of Ottawa’s new Official Plan. Mr. Nussbaum asked me to follow-up with you and provide you with additional information.

Under the National Capital Act, the planning authority for these federal lands is the National Capital Commission. The Capital Urban Lands Plan (2015) designates the lands in the subject area as Capital Urban Greenspace, Cultural Institution & Facility, and Other Federal Facility, which is in keeping with their capital functions.

One of the principal comments that the NCC has made in regards to the City of Ottawa’s New Official Plan is that the NCC’s planning authority, land use designations and policies must be respected where the NCC and City of Ottawa’s plans show overlap. We are continuing to work with the City to achieve this objective, and look forward to reviewing the next draft of the New Official Plan when it is released in the coming weeks.

As part of our review, the NCC noted that some lands along the Sir George-Étienne Cartier Parkway – including Mile Circle – had been changed from Major Open Space to Neighbourhoods. We provided written comments to the City, and raised the issue in discussion with City staff. We have received confirmation that this was an inaccuracy and that the appropriate lands will appear as Greenspace in the next iteration of the New Official Plan.

Last, the City is not proposing any changes to the underlying zoning of the lands at this time, and the NCC always remains the land use planning authority for these federal lands.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Kind regards,


Émilie Ruel
Manager, Public consultations

Gestionnaire, Consultations publiques

National Capital Commission
Commission de la capitale nationale

Mark Carney

Speakers Program: Mark Carney “Value(s): Building a Better World for All”

Speakers Program: Mark Carney “Value(s): Building a Better World for All”

Wednesday, April 28, 8 pm: RPRA Speaker Night VIA ZOOM

We had decided to suspend our Speakers Program until we could get together again for our enjoyable evenings at the Community Hall. This is an exception given the high interest in Mark Carney’s new book and the fact that we do not know how long it will be until we can resume our usual evenings together.

Mark Carney

Our neighbour and former Governor of the Bank of England and the Bank of Canada, Mark Carney, will speak to us on his new book which asks the question “What do we value and why is it that often the things we value the most seem of little importance to economic markets?’  By one of the great economic thinkers of our time, his book is described as a fantastic read for anyone interested in the most pressing issues facing the world.  Join us on ZOOM to hear what he has to say and to engage in questions.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 952 1386 7619

Passcode: 084486

Skating at Jubilee Garden

Skating at Jubilee Garden Winter 2021

Our community offers many opportunities for enjoying winter sports – skating, cross-country skiing, tobogganing and walking through the Rockeries and other NCC lands adjacent to Rockcliffe Park. Skating is at our Jubilee Garden skating rink, MacKay Lake and the (mostly) hockey rink beside the Rockcliffe Park Fieldhouse, located at Rockcliffe Park Public School. Thanks to the Hosers for maintaining the Jubilee Garden rink and the school rink. See here for more information about hours at Jubilee Garden and the school rink.

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